Tara International Kadampa Retreat Centre

All Retreats 2025

On this page, you will find every retreat we have on at Tara IKRC in chronological order. From one day retreats to 6 week retreats. Every type of retreat you need to find meaningful inner peace

Beginners retreat

Finding Stillness Within

11th - 13th April 2025

When faced with the pressures of daily life it can feel as if we are constantly being pulled in many directions and that we are rarely still.

On this retreat we can taste for ourself the stillness and joy that naturally come when we apply simple yet profound methods for developing our inner peace. We will also learn how we can carry this experience into our day to day so that we can maintain our inner stillness regardless of how busy our external circumstances may be.

special Purification retreat

Nyungnay Retreat

13th - 15th April 2025
with Gen Kelsang Losel

Nyungnay Fasting Retreat is one of our precious Kadampa Dharma Jewels, the second day is on Buddha’s Enlightenment Day, April 15th.

beginners retreat

How to Transform Your Life

Thu 17th - Mon 21st April 2025
with Gen Kelsang Losel

We all essentially have kind hearts and wish to benefit others - but often we lack the skill and wisdom to be able to do this effectively - and sometimes even with the best intention it can all go horribly wrong!

Everyone is welcome!

in-Depth Retreat

Developing Authentic Renunciation

Fri 25th - Wed 30th April 2025
with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab

On this special retreat through talks, discussions and meditations Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU and Resident Teacher of Tara IKRC, will open our minds to our infinite potential, encourage us to sincerely practise with delight and follow in the footsteps of all the Buddhas. In each session we will receive instruction on how to meditate and then be guided on a particular topic.

Everybody is welcome!

beginners retreat

Learn to Meditate

2nd - 5th May 2025

Everyone experiences difficulties in their life and situations they do not want and this can
result in a lot of frustration, anguish and stress. However, through developing a mind of patience acceptance we can maintain a peaceful and positive mind in the face of distressing circumstances.

On this day retreat we will use the power of contemplation and meditation to develop this beautiful mind of patience so that we can cope with all the challenges that arise in our life in a constructive and beneficial way that helps both ourself and others.

In-depth retreat

Guru Yoga and Mandala Offering Retreat

5th -9th May 2025

Guru Yoga and Mandala Offering retreat combines two of the four great preliminary guides that we need to practise if we want to gain Mahamudra realizations – the quick path to enlightenment.

We all wish for spiritual realizations, but these depend upon creating certain inner conditions such as purifying negativity, accumulating merit, and receiving blessings. In the brief retreat we can enjoy these three activities. Everybody is welcome! If possible please bring your own mandala kit.

beginners day retreat

Happiness Toolkit

Saturday 17th May 2025 | 10:00am-4:00pm

In this day retreat we will learn about these transformative ways of thinking and through contemplation and meditation on them equip ourselves for a happy and peaceful life that helps ourself and others.

With Gen Kelsang Rabten

Post-Spring Festival Retreat 2025

Thursday 29th May - Thursday 5th June 2025

By keeping Atisha's Advice in our heart we can maintain a peaceful happy mind, our human nature and good qualities will improve, we will be able to show a good example for the people of our troubled world and we will quickly attain full enlightenment.

As Venerable Geshe-la says, 'Simply putting this Advice into practice we will naturally become a Bodhisattva, a holy compassionate being who is the object of everybody's love and respect.'

in-depth retreat

Guru Yoga and Mandala Offering Retreat

16th - 20th June 2025

Guru Yoga and Mandala Offering retreat combines two of the four great preliminary guides that we need to practise if we want to gain Mahamudra realizations – the quick path to enlightenment.

We all wish for spiritual realizations, but these depend upon creating certain inner conditions such as purifying negativity, accumulating merit, and receiving blessings. In the brief retreat we can enjoy these three activities. Everybody is welcome! If possible please bring your own mandala kit.

Guided Meditation Retreat with gen kelsang losel

How to Transform Your Life

Fri 27th June - Thu 3rd July 2025

During this relaxing week of simple yet profound meditations we will discover a powerful source of deep nourishment within.

Following the wise advice given by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso -  and using his special presentation of the stages of a spiritual path in his Request to the Lord of all Lineages prayer - we will be able to liberate ourselves from the burdens of ordinary life.

Everyone is welcome!

Guided Meditation Retreat with gen kelsang Dema

The Path to Peace and Happiness

Friday 11th - Thursday 17th July 2025

On this special retreat discover wonderful experiences of real peace and happiness within your own heart that you can access at any time through simple meditation techniques. We will be learning from the text of a great Buddhist master, Geshe Langri Tangpa which has inspired generations of Buddhist practitioners to train their mind and transform all life’s difficulties into valuable spiritual insights.

With Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab

Post-Summer Festival Retreat 2025

Sunday 10th - Saturday 16th August 2025

By keeping Atisha's Advice in our heart we can maintain a peaceful happy mind, our human nature and good qualities will improve, we will be able to show a good example for the people of our troubled world and we will quickly attain full enlightenment.

As Venerable Geshe-la says, 'Simply putting this Advice into practice we will naturally become a Bodhisattva, a holy compassionate being who is the object of everybody's love and respect.'

beginners retreat

Free your mind

22nd - 25th August 2025

Free your mind from all your burdens, and let go of your stress, anxiety and frustration.
Immerse yourself in the beautiful, tranquil environment of Tara IKRC and enjoy being guided into an experience of real inner peace and contentment, through meditation.

Our potential for peace and happiness is limitless and we can unlock this through following Buddha’s teachings on wisdom and compassion enabling us to become a happy, relaxed and peaceful person who brings great benefit to others.