Weekend Retreats
Getaway Retreats (One Day Passes available)
September 27th - 29th ~Creating Inner Space
In this modern world our life can feel so busy that our mind is never free from worries,
frustrations, and endless plans to improve our external circumstances. This retreat offers us a wonderful opportunity to simply let go and discover through meditation an inner space and clarity that brings a feeling of deep inner peace and contentment.
We will learn how this experience of inner space can empower us to cope with difficulties in a more flexible and constructive way that enhances our interactions with others, and helps us to become a happier, more relaxed and peaceful person within our busy daily life.
October 18th - 20th ~ Learning Meditations that Work
A gentle introduction to the ancient art of meditation in easy to learn steps. Meditation essentially familiarizes our minds with the causes of real happiness. It is a type of concentration that is single-pointedly focused on things that will give us a calm and peaceful mind - and this in turn leads us to be happy. Although we need to meditate in a quiet environment regularly, once we have learned how to control our mind in this way we can be focusing on things that keep us peaceful throughout the day and night - everyone needs this and everyone is welcome!
For booking see below.
These retreats are suitable for beginners, as well those with some experience of meditation.