Local Stalls from Local people || Dog Show!
Circus Skill Workshop! || Raffle || Bouncy Castles
Bric-a-Brac Stall || Fire Engine!
Live Music || Burgers, Curry, Ice Cream & Cakes!

Guided meditations and Buddhist Q & A
An opportunity for free guided meditation sessions throughout the day as well as a chance to ask questions about meditation, Buddhist practice and philosophy

Childrens Area
Face painting, Circus Skills workshop, treasure hunt - A full day of activities!

Ashe Hall & Grounds
The history of Ashe Hall and it's grounds, recorded in the Domesday book as Ashe Village! As well as some of the oldest and largest Sequoias in the UK see https//redwoodworld.co.uk

Live music, Food and Shopping
Live music on the day, Foods of the world, including a BBQ, Curry and our World Peace Cafe as well as many interesting stalls from local crafts, artwork, beauty products and clothing
If you would like to book a stall or for more info
please contact summerfayre@tarakmc.org