Patience with Wisdom | Sat 29th Mar 2025 10am-1pm
Part of the NKT-IKBU
Grounds open all year round - dawn until dusk
Everyone needs to develop a mind of patience so that they can maintain a peaceful and happy mind whatever happens. Anger which is the opposite of patience causes many problems for ourself and others and robs us of our happiness – it is impossible to enjoy anything when anger is present in our mind.
Learn how Buddha’s teachings give us the wisdom to respond to whatever arises in our life with an open, accommodating and peaceful heart. In this way we can transform any situation into an opportunity for our own growth and development.
Everyone welcome!
Optional Lunch
Optional lunch on Saturday after the course £6.
Ashe Hall
Ash Lane
DE65 6HT
Registered Charity No. 517949
Reception opening times
Wednesday - Sunday 10:00am - 4:00pm
For enquiries
call: 01283 732338