Making Happiness a Habit | Sat 5th Apr 2025 10am-1pm
Part of the NKT-IKBU
Grounds open all year round - dawn until dusk
We all want to be happy all the time but so often things happen during our day that we don’t want, or our wishes are not fulfilled, and we respond by developing unpleasant feelings which destroy our happiness.
Learn how it is possible change this situation by practising simple meditation techniques and changing our way of viewing the world and other people. Through these powerful techniques that anyone can learn we will develop the ability to remain happy all the time whatever happens.
Everyone welcome!
Optional Lunch
Optional lunch on Saturday after the course £6.
Ashe Hall
Ash Lane
DE65 6HT
Registered Charity No. 517949
Reception opening times
Wednesday - Sunday 10:00am - 4:00pm
For enquiries
call: 01283 732338