Developing Authentic Renunciation | Fri 25th - Wed 30th April 2025 | with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab

Generating a high-energy wish to be permanently free from all suffering

To help us develop a strong wish to attain liberation - permanent inner peace - Buddha taught two methods - meditation on the four noble truths and meditation on the twelve dependent-related links. By meditating on these we can correctly identify samsara - the cycle of contaminated life - and liberation - the permanent inner peace of nirvana, become determined to abandon samsara and attain liberation, become convinced that we are capable of doing so and develop conviction in the inner path that leads to liberation in ways that anyone can integrate into daily life. 

On this special retreat through talks, discussions and meditations Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU and Resident Teacher of Tara IKRC, will open our minds to our infinite potential, encourage us to sincerely practise with delight and follow in the footsteps of all the Buddhas. In each session we will receive instruction on how to meditate and then be guided on a particular topic.

Everybody is welcome!

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