Stop! And Breathe | Sat 15th Mar 2025 10am-1pm
Part of the NKT-IKBU
Grounds open all year round - dawn until dusk
In this modern world it can feel as though we are constantly busy with our mind filled with a myriad of thoughts, and no time to simply relax and just be. Through learning and gaining familiarity with simple meditations we can discover a deep inner peace which is the source of real happiness, and this can help us to stay content within our daily life regardless of our external circumstances.
'When the turbulence of our distracting thoughts subsides, a deep happiness and contentment naturally arises from within. This feeling of contentment and well-being helps us to cope with the busyness and difficulties of daily life.'
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, How to Transform your Life.
Everyone welcome!
Optional Lunch
Optional lunch on Saturday after the course £6.
Ashe Hall
Ash Lane
DE65 6HT
Registered Charity No. 517949
Reception opening times
Wednesday - Sunday 10:00am - 4:00pm
For enquiries
call: 01283 732338