with Gen Kelsang Drolkar

Taking and Giving Retreat

Week 1: Developing Inner Strenght (30th Jun - 6th Jul)

Week 2: Healing From the Heart (7th Jul - 13th Jul)

General daily schedule: 7.30 am, 11.30 am, 4.30 pm, 7.30 pm (75 minutes per session)

Introductions: 30th Jun and 7th Jul at 7:30 pm

Daily life can be stressful. Take time to rest, reflect and find balance through engaging in a retreat in the stunning and peaceful environment of Tara IKRC.

During this retreat, Gen Kelsang Drolkar will guide the powerful meditations on giving love and taking away suffering which enable us to remove negativity from the world and give back love and kindness. In the process we destroy the root of our own suffering and problems, purify our mental and physical suffering and increase our strength of mind.

Through meditating on love and compassion we open our heart to others and quickly purify our minds. The meditations will be guided step by step enabling you to get a feeling for their power.

By the end of the retreat you will have deepened your familiarity with the practice of taking and giving and have an understanding of how to use these meditations in your daily life to benefit both yourself and others.

This practice is especially helpful in situations where we may otherwise feel powerless to directly help ourself, our loved ones or our society.

The power of silence

Normally we are constantly distracted by external objects, busy activities and scattered thoughts. Observing silence is a powerful method to disengage us from busyness and  to deepen our contemplation and concentration.  The retreat will include silent periods in the mornings.