How to Solve our Problems

25th February - 10th April

Date: Thursdays 7:30-9:00pm

Venue: John Storer House, Ward's End, Loughborough LE11 3HA

Teacher: Nick Vaz is a student on the Teacher Training Programme at Tara IKRC and has been teaching meditation classes for many years. He is admired for his warmth and for his clear, practical presentations on Buddhist meditation.

In this term we will learn skillful methods to cope with the difficulties that arise in our lives so that we can develop and maintain a happy mind all the time regardless of our external circumstances. In this way we will find true freedom from problems.

A Guide to Becoming a Friend to Yourself and Others

1st May - 15th May

Many people have the compassionate wish to benefit others, but very few understand how to accomplish this effectively in daily life. In this term, we will improve our compassion and develop special minds to be able to transform all our daily activites into skilful methods that benefit others.

Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully

12th Jun - 17th July

In this inspiring term, we will learn how to live a happy and meaningful life.