Post Fall festival retreat 2024

Inner Fire (tummo) Post-Festival retreat with Gen Kelsang Ananda, NKT National Spiritual Director for Germany, Slovenia, Romania & Czech Republic and Resident Teacher for Tharpaland KMC.

November Friday 8th - Weds 13th

Post Fall festival with Gen-Kelsang Ananda

This retreat provides a special opportunity to dive deeper into the blessed practice of Venerable Vajrayogini! Based on Venerable Geshe-la's commentary "The New Guide to Dakini Land" and Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong's teachings at the International Fall Festival in Brazil.

Gen Ananda will guide five days of retreat based on "The Blissful Path", the brief Vajrayogini self-generation sadhana. In particular, we will explore the instructions and meditations on Vajrayogini completion stage, principally the tummo, or "inner fire", meditation.

We will learn the methods to gather your winds and mind, meditating on the letter BAM at the navel channel wheel. Learn to engage in these meditations in a relaxed, light and joyful way, all in the perfect retreat environment of Tara International Kadampa Retreat Centre.

NB Participants must have previously received Highest Yoga Tantra empowerments of Heruka and Vajrayogini within the New Kadampa Tradition.

When the reddish-black RAM residing in the centre of the three channels at my navel

Have been set ablaze by my upper and lower winds

And its cleansing fire has burned away the seventy-two thousand impure elements

May my central channel be completely filled with pure drops

From the extensive dedication prayer in Quick Path to Great Bliss


Gen Kelsang Ananda will guide us on this inspiring completion stage retreat on inner fire, or tummo, according to The New Guide to Dakini Land by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.  We will be guided on the five meditations of tummo practice.  All these meditations are methods to control our inner winds and when we gain this control we also have full control over our mind.  How wonderful!  Everyone with Highest Yoga Tantra empowerments is welcome.  Book for the entire retreat or one day at a time.


Fri Nov 8th 7.30pm Introduction to the retreat

Saturday Nov 9th
7:00-8:30am Session One Quick Path to Great Bliss

10:45-12noon Session Two  The Blissful Path with guided meditation

 12:15pm Wishfulfilling Jewel

 4:00-5:15pm Session Three  The Blissful Path

 7:30-8:45pm  The Blissful Path

 Sunday Nov 10th 

 7:00-8:30am Session One Quick Path to Great Bliss

 10:45-12noon Session Two  The Blissful Path with guided meditation

 12:15pm Wishfulfilling Jewel

 4:00-5:15pm Session Three  The Blissful Path

 7:30pm Offering to the Spiritual Guide

 Monday & Tuesday Nov 11th/12th

 7:00-8:30am Session One Quick Path to Great Bliss

 10:45-12noon Session Two  The Blissful Path with guided meditation

 12:15pm Wishfulfilling Jewel

 4:00-5:15pm Session Three  The Blissful Path

 7:30-8:45pm  The Blissful Path

 Wednesday Nov 13th

 7:00-8:30am Session One Quick Path to Great Bliss

10:30am-12:15pm Session Two Quick Path to Great Bliss with thanking tsog offering